Cadeirydd newydd yn RenewableUK Cymru

Mae Jeremy Smith, Rheolwr Datblygu Cymru yn RWE Innogy UK Ltd, wedi cael ei benodi Cadeirydd newydd Grŵp Strategaeth RenewableUK Cymru. Mae’n cymryd lle Richard Evans o RES, sydd wedi cadeirio’r grŵp ers 2013. Wrth siarad am ei benodiad dywedodd, Jeremy...

New Chairman at RenewableUK Cymru

Jeremy Smith, Welsh Development Manager at RWE Innogy UK Ltd, has been appointed the new Chairman of the RenewableUK Cymru Strategy Group.  He replaces Richard Evans from RES, who has chaired the group since 2013. Speaking about his appointment, Jeremy Smith said: “It...

Welsh energy policy recharged

The Welsh Government yesterday released an energy policy statement. Edwina Hart, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, is updating policy objectives after consultation with stakeholders. In her statement the Minister railed against the UK for the regulatory...