As the UK General Election heats up, Britain’s energy policy is taking centre stage. RenewableUK Cymru is calling on the next UK Government to fast-track Wales’ transition to renewable energy. 

Wales must quadruple its wind power capacity—from both onshore and offshore—within the next decade to meet the rising demand for clean electricity. Our 2024 Manifesto urges the creation of a ‘Four Nations Taskforce’ to streamline policies between the UK and Welsh Governments. 

Only a quarter of all energy generated in Wales today comes from renewable sources like wind, solar, hydro and tidal. A shift to renewable energy will bolster energy security, lower electricity costs, enhance the competitiveness of Welsh businesses, and create thousands of jobs nationwide. 

Voters are clear: they want the next UK Government to prioritise clean energy. A poll by Opinium of 10,021 UK residents reveals that nine out of ten people in Wales see renewables as a key issue for the next government, and 63% want their MP to push for more investment in this sector. Despite some opposition to new grid infrastructure in Mid Wales, 62% of Welsh respondents support building a new grid network to speed up renewable energy rollout, with only 6% opposed. Support increases when people learn about local community benefits and how it fits into a national plan for low-cost clean energy. 

 Jess Hooper, Director of RenewableUK Cymru, said: 

“For Wales to succeed, we need a bold and swift action plan. In 2022, we had no projects connecting to the grid and only 6kW of wind energy consented—barely enough to power a single household. 

 “We are not building enough renewable energy projects to meet our growing electricity demand. We urge the next UK Government to establish a four nations taskforce, in collaboration with the Welsh Government and industry, to expedite the transition to renewables across the UK. At this crucial moment in a competitive global market, we need a government ready to stand up and seize this opportunity for Wales.” 

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