Supply chain companies in Wales are being offered a fantastic opportunity to learn how the offshore wind boom in Wales could benefit them.
At RenewableUK Cymru’s upcoming Future Energy Wales conference, Floventis Energy are offering discounted tickets to businesses keen to discover how best to bid for contracts through their ‘Fit 4 Offshore Wales’ (F4OR Wales) programme.
Floventis Energy, the developer behind two floating offshore wind test and demonstration sites in the Celtic Sea, has committed up to £180,000 to the programme, partnering with ORE Catapult. The aim is give Welsh businesses the skills and expertise they need succeed now and in upcoming leasing rounds, creating more clean energy jobs in the future.
With a great line-up of speakers and experienced supply chain companies, the Floventis team are hosting a special discussion on the Fit 4 Offshore programme (F4OR) at Future Energy Wales on Monday 6th November at 11.30am in room 4 at the ICC.
Companies are invited to book a place here using code FEWsupply23 to get a discount of 50% on standard ticket prices.
Full programme, exhibition and ticket details for Future Energy Wales are available here.