It’s no secret that conditions for the renewable energy industry are – thanks to the Conservative Government – the worst for a generation.

However, the individuals and organisations which make up the sustainable energy industry do have the opportunity to explore other avenues of activity, including ones which are technology-driven, rather than policy-led.

Tomorrow’s Smart Energy Wales event is a unique opportunity to hear from – and challenge – experts in the field, and to network with influential people from within the sector.


If you’re interested in being smart with energy, you should join these other attendees at tomorrow’s event

Speaking about the event, David Clubb said:

“In the teeth of an unremittingly illogical, ideological and economically illiterate policy approach to energy, there are still some areas of activity in the sustainable energy sector which demonstrate potential for those individuals and organisations who can embrace opportunity.

“One of those activity areas is Smart Energy, and many of the 160 attendees of tomorrow’s event in Cardiff will be amongst those who will find their way to surviving the policy storm currently raging over the industry.”

Tickets are still available for the event priced at £49.99+VAT for non-members and £29.99+VAT for members.