The European Environment Agency has today published a report – “Renewable energy in Europe” – which describes some of the benefits which have arisen from the growing green economy since 2005.

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 would have been 7% higher without the spectacular growth of renewable energy since 2005, and the use of fossil fuels in the EU would likewise have been 7% higher. This lies in contrast to the claims of some public figures who maintainĀ that wind developments canĀ “never be compensated for by any possible carbon benefit”.

The report shows that the EU is currently on track to meet its obligations to generate 20% of total energy from renewables by 2020.


Commenting on the figures, RenewableUK Cymru’s Director, David Clubb, said:

“These figures should put to bed the lie that renewable energy doesn’t decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Sadly, some people who know better are still perpetuating these falsehoods, and we look forward to challenging them with this kind of rock-solid data”