DECC today published the latest in the series of Public Attitudes Tracking Surveys, demonstrating that onshore wind continues to be one of the most popular choices of energy source.

When compared against other technologies which attract a similar level of public attention – nuclear and fracking – wind comes out as the hands-down favourite, with the highest-ever level of net support at 58%. Nuclear saw net support at 15%, and fracking crawled up from negative levels of support to reach 1%.

Opinion Tracker Jan 2015

Commenting on the results of the survey, David Clubb said:

“The renewable sector is a fantastic source of opportunity for our young people, and once again the DECC survey has shown that it’s incredibly popular. It beggars belief that some prospective candidates for the election in May are campaigning actively against onshore wind, and that the Conservative party is so dogmatically supporting fracking, when the public mood is clearly against them.

We look forward to a healthy debate about energy as part of the political discourse, and hope that both electors and prospective political representatives will remember the huge environmental, economic and social benefits of renewable energy when it comes to selecting policies and preferences on voting day.”