Mae RWE, cynhyrchydd pŵer mwyaf Cymru, yn partneru â gweithredwr porthladd mwyaf y DU, Associated British Ports (ABP) a phorthladd ynni mwyaf y DU, Porthladd Aberdaugleddau, i ymchwilio i ehangu cyfleusterau porthladdoedd i gefnogi piblinell o prosiectau gwynt arnofiol ar raddfa gigawat yn y Môr Celtaidd.

Gan gydweithio o dan Femorandwm Cyd-ddealltwriaeth (MoU) bydd arweinwyr y diwydiant yn ymchwilio i’r potensial ar gyfer trawsnewid seilwaith yn ABP Port Talbot a Doc Penfro yn ganolbwyntiau ar gyfer cynhyrchu, cydosod a llwytho tyrbinau gwynt arnofiol a sylfeini uwch-dechnoleg, sy’n teithio i’r Celtic. Môr, yn ogystal â gweithrediad fel y bo’r angen & gallu cynnal a chadw. Mae’r cydweithrediad yn dangos ymrwymiad mawr gan y tri chwmni i rannu gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd, i gefnogi twf diwydiannol ehangach a buddsoddiad yng Nghymru.

Dywedodd Rhys Wyn Jones, Cyfarwyddwr RenewableUK Cymru:

“Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad cyffrous.  Yn y pen draw, mae trosi potensial enfawr gwynt arnofiol yn y Môr Celtaidd a’r DU yn dibynnu ar olwg glir ymhlith darpar fuddsoddwyr o gyfres o brosiectau sy’n gwreiddio datblygiad y gadwyn gyflenwi hyd at raddfa fasnachol lawn.  Bydd hyn yn drwy ymdrech gydweithredol strategol rhwng chwaraewyr allweddol ond, yn hollbwysig, bydd hefyd angen alinio ymatebion prydlesu, cydsynio ac ymatebion grid ar draws ardaloedd perthnasol o’r DU.”

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y Memorandwm Cyd-ddealltwriaeth ar gael yma.

RWE, Wales’ biggest power producer, is partnering with the UK’s largest port operator, Associated British Ports (ABP) and UK’s largest energy port, the Port of Milford Haven, to investigate the scaling-up of port facilities in support of a pipeline of gigawatt-scale floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea.  

Working together under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the industry leaders will investigate the potential for transforming infrastructure at ABP Port Talbot and Pembroke Dock into hubs for the manufacture, assembly and loadout of high-tech floating wind turbines and foundations, bound for the Celtic Sea, as well as floating operation & maintenance capability.  The collaboration demonstrates a major commitment from all three companies to share knowledge and expertise, in support of broader industrial growth and investment in Wales.  

Rhys Wyn Jones, Director of RenewableUK Cymru, said: 

“This is an exciting development.  Ultimately, translating huge potential of floating wind in the Celtic Sea and the UK hinges on clear sight among would-be investors of a pipeline of projects which embeds supply chain development through to full commercial scale.  This will be drive by strategic collaborative endeavour between key players but crucially will also require aligning leasing, consenting and grid responses across relevant areas of the UK.”

Further information about the Memorandum of Understanding is available here.